Sunday, 1 February 2009

Press Release: 2008 4th Quarter and Full-Year Results

The Noble House has now released its complete results for 2008, and is pleased to retain its position as Hong Kong's most profitable company.

Earnings in the 4th quarter dipped slightly, in line with the global financial crisis, but it was still a record 135th year straight of growth in profits.

2009 looks to be a financially challenging year for the world, but The Noble House is sure that its diverse portfolio and dedicated staff will help it maintain its position as Hong Kong's most profitable trading house.

Please contact Euthanasia Tan (ex. 5154) for the full report.


Private Beach said...

How much did you have to bribe your auditors?

Tai-Pan said...


The Noble House has always maintained its preeminence among Hong Kong firms by maintaining its honour and integrity. No bribes, favours or other payments were issued to our auditors or any other party, as per our code of business. This is what sets us apart from firms such as Rothwell Gornt.

Wishing you good first quarter results.

The Tai-Pan

Quillan Gornt said...
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Quillan Gornt said...


Second paragraph. In place of "Earnings in the 4th quarter", read "The Taipan's Jade Stem".

Best of joss,

Quillan Gornt said...


I have tried that extension several times now, but no response. Has Euthanasia Tan finally moved on, so to speak?

Best of joss,

Private Beach said...

Oh, so you own your audit firm? Very smart...

Tai-Pan said...


Must pass on the sad news of Euthanasia's demise. She was found floating in Aberdeen harbour last Thursday evening.

I am sure Rothwell-Gornt will join the entire Noble House in sending their heartfelt condolences to her husband Handwick and their daughter Rubella.

The funeral will be at Happy Valley cemetery, at the Noble House's plot, next Friday at 11.00. No flowers please.

The Tai-Pan

Quillan Gornt said...


As I remember, you have a track record of offering threatening gestures at family funerals. Think I'll give it a miss.

Best of joss,